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2015 Event Details

100 Footer Event

The May 30th event was a success! The autocross event, held on the same weekend didn't go so well as there were only 2 registrants.


100 Footer highlights can be found here.


1/8 Mile Event

The new for this year eighth mile drag racing event in Forestburg went off without a hitch even though the weather proved tempermental.


The Eighth Mile highlights can be found here.


Show n Shine Event

The Show 'n Shine event is scheduled for Saturday, July 18 at main (50th) street. In case of rain, the event will be rescheduled for Saturday, July 25. Registration begins at 9:00 am and ends at 12:00 pm. The registration fee is $20 per vehicle. There will be trophies awarded for the best in each class.


Mainstreet Cruise

Immediately after all awards are presented for the Show 'n Shine, there will be a mainstreet cruise along 50th street.


Drive-in Movie

The drive-in movie will happen after dark at the Edgeworth Recreation centre. There will be popcorn and refreshments available for purchase at the concession booth on-site. Stay tuned for the 2015 movie details!


The Show n Shine highlights can be found here.

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